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Nagycenk Municipality

Municipality data:
Address: 9485 Nagycenk, Gyár utca 2.
Phone number: +36/99/360-012
Email address: polgarmester@nagycenk.hu
Mayor's name: Csorba János
Name of the Registrar: Percze Szilvia
Phone number of the registrar: +36/30/9952-907
Registrar's e-mail address: jegyzo@nagycenk.hu
Mayor's telephone number: +36/30/9427-716
Mayor's e-mail address: polgarmester@nagycenk.hu
The economic situation of the municipality:
The financial situation of Nagycenk municipality has been stable for many years. The municipality is characterised by prudent and secure management. On the revenue side, in addition to state normatives and subsidies, local taxes have been the main source of income for the municipality. Another source of income is the sale of land, with industrial land and municipal plots being developed on land previously purchased from the state, and their sale is ongoing.
The most important of our expenses is the running of our institutions - kindergarten, office, gymnasium. As a result of our frugal management, we have been able to raise the necessary funds for several tenders (Széchenyi Square, Széchenyi Village project, etc.).
Medical services:
1,Name of family doctor: Dr. Koloszár Gábor
Address of the practice: 9485 Nagycenk, Gyár u. 3.
Phone number: +36/99/360-036
Opening hours: Monday 8:00 12:00      
  Tuesday 12:00 16:00      
  Wednesday 8:00 12:00      
  Thursday 8:00 11:00 - Fertőboz    
  Friday 8:00 12:00      
Other medical services
2,Name of dentist: Dr.Szemerédi László
Address of the practice: 9485 Nagycenk, Iskola utca 1.
Phone number: +36/99/360-363
Opening hours: Monday 14:00 18:00      
  Tuesday 9:00 13:00      
  Wednesday 14:00 18:00      
  Thursday 14:00 18:00 - Fertőboz    
  Friday 8:00 10:00      
3,Regional Midwife Care: Csitkovicsné Prajczer Erika - defender
Address of the practice: 9485 Nagycenk, Gyár utca 3.
Phone number: +36/30/995-2969
Consultation: Monday 8:30 9:30   13:00 15:00
  Tuesday 8:30     9:30  
  Wednesday 8:30     9:30  
  Friday 8:30     10:30  
Public services:
1, Designation Post office
Address: Nagycenk, Iskola utca 3.
Phone number: +36/99/360-016
Opening hours: Monday 08:00 17:00      
  Tuesday 08:00 16:00      
  Wednesday 08:00 16:00      
  Thursday 08:00 16:00      
  Friday 08:00 15:00      
2, Designation Pharmacy
Address: Nagycenk, Iskola u. 1.
Opening hours: Monday 08:00 16:00      
  Tuesday 08:00 17:00      
  Wednesday 08:00 16:00      
  Thursday 08:00 16:00      
08:00 16:00      
Accessibility of the settlement:
60 km from Vienna and 90 km from Bratislava, only 12 km from the border town of Sopron, at the junction of the main roads 84 and 85. In addition to the two main roads, the settlement can also be reached by the railway line Sopron-Szombathely-Szentgotthárd operated by GySEV.
Tourism/Accommodation/Catering/Tourist packages
1, Zolgiz Food bar  
Address, phone number: 9485 Nagycenk, Soproni út 1., +36/99/359-902