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Völcsej Municipality

Municipality data:
Address: 9462.Völcsej,Fő u.50.
Phone number: +36 99/365-266
Email address: sz.attila0701@freemail.hu
Mayor's name: Szőke Attila
Name of the Registrar: Lukács Antalné
Phone number of the registrar: +36 99/533-552
Registrar's e-mail address: korjegyzo@lovokorjegyzo.hu
Mayor's telephone number: +36/30/6304468
Mayor's e-mail address: sz.attila0701@freemail.hu
Economic situation of the municipality:
The settlement is located in the southwestern part of Győr-Moson-Sopron county, close to the Hungarian-Austrian border. It is a typical one-street village with a comb-shaped structure, a former noble village. The village covers an area of 9,32 km2 and has a population of 432. Agriculture is still the main source of livelihood in the village, but a significant proportion of the inhabitants work in the surrounding settlements. The village has electricity, water, sewerage, gas, cable TV and telephone networks. There is no kindergarten or primary school. Children go to institutions in neighbouring villages. The number of local businesses is growing.
Medical services:
1,Name of doctor: Petiné Dr.Doppler Eleonóra
Address of the practice: 9462.Völcsej,Fő u.57.
Phone number +36-99/365-530
Opening hours: Monday          
  Thursday 13:00 15:00      
Accessibility of the settlement:
The village can be reached from the main road 84 from the Lövő junction towards Kőszeg. It is 27 km from Sopron, 28 km from Kapuvar, 26 km from Kőszeg.
Shops, trade:
1, Name: convenience store number 23  
Its activities: Shop retailing
Address 9462. Völcsej ,Fő u.39.
Phone number:: +36-99/533-128
Opening hours: Monday 06:30 11:00      
  Tuesday 06:30 16:00      
  Wednesday 06:30 16:00      
  Thursday 06:30 16:00      
  Friday 06:30 16:00      
  Saturday 06:30 11:00      
1, Event: fishing tournament.  
2, Event: the May Festival.  
3, Event: farewell.  